Kukishin Ryu Daken Taijutsu Chuden Gata
CourseLearn the techniques of Kukishin Ryu Daken Taijutsu Chuden Gata. Available to Kobukan members.
Kukishin Ryu Daken Taijutsu Shoden Gata
CourseLearn the techniques of Kukishin Ryu Daken Taijutsu Shoden Gata. Available to Kobukan members.
Live Lessons with James Wright Kancho
CourseJoin weekly live sessions with expert James Wright Kancho to elevate your online teaching skills and create impactful courses that resonate with learners. Available to Kobukan members.
$100 / month
Complete Kancho Class Library
BundleGet unlimited access to the entire video library of Wright Kancho's class, from the very first class. Videos are added every month, giving you unapparelled access to Kobukan training.
Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku No Maki
CourseGyokko Ryu, a traditional Japanese martial art with roots dating back centuries, emphasizes powerful evasion techniques, precise strikes, and joint manipulations.
Kobukan Hanbojutsu Shoden Menkyo
CourseLearn Kobukan Hanbojutsu Shoden Menkyo, containing Kukishinden Happo Biken Hanbojutsu and Kukishin Ryu Jojutsu. In addition, in this course, Kancho teaches a bonus third system called Kuki Shobukyoku.